EUCOLD WG on Levees & Flood Defences – Webinar about animal activity on levees – 30 June 2021
This was a success, as 67 people attended in total from at least 6 different countries, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, United Kingdom, and probably more, as not all email adresses were given, and some email addresses did not include the information on the country.
11:00 CET Welcome
11:05 English perspective on managing badgers in embankments
(Paul Arnold, Environment Agency) (download presentation)
11:20 Detection of cavities in levees and forelands caused by beavers
(Torsten Heyer, TU Dresden; Michael Arndt, Secon Systems) (download presentation)
11:40 Experiences with the beaver during high water 2021
(Wijnand Evers, Waterboard Drents Overijsselse Delta) (download presentation)
11:55 A glimpse of another animal active in and around levees
(Heleen Keirsebelik, UAntwerpen) (download presentation)
12:00 Questions & discussion
12:25 Feedback on webinar and poll for future topics
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