An important news for our levees and flood defenses woking group!
Here is the message sent on Monday, May 23rd to the WG members :
Dear Member of the EURCOLD Working Group on Levees and Flood Defences,
during our start-up meeting last year, we mentioned the importance of having the topic of levees on the agenda of the next Congress of ICOLD, in 2018 in Vienna, all the more so because that would allow us to present the results of our Working Group at an ICOLD Congress.
We now have the pleasure to inform you, that during the ICOLD General Assembly of last week, in Johannesburg, ICOLD selected levees as a topic (an “ICOLD-Question”) for the next congress in Vienna, in 2018. Question 103 will be “Small dams and Levees”. We don’t have the details on the question for the moment but we will make it available as soon as we have the official information.
This is a great step towards the acknowledgement of the importance of levees and flood defences in general, and within the dam community in particular. It will also allow to better share dam- and levee-related knowledge, and to exploit mutual synergies.
We would like to thank all those who made it possible, after the initial disappointment caused by the question we wrote not being pre-selected by ICOLD for discussion in Johannesburg.
This is great news indeed, worth a celebration (probably in Lyon during our next meeting)!
Thanks to all of you who participated to this collective effort, drafting and convincing.
I particularly want to thank the officials in BDS, CFBR, NETHCOLD and USSD (in alphabetical order) who spent time defending the cause of this question. We also thank all the other persons who, directly or indirectly, contributed through their actions and discussions.
This is only the beginning. Now we have two years of work ahead, to make this an even bigger success and convince ICOLD to make levees a permanent topic. I am sure this success will be a great boost to the collective spirit that we need to succeed, as there is too much work ahead to achieve real success without support from our whole Working Group.
However, with sufficient effort from all of us, we are likely to succeed with high quality outcomes from our working group and many interesting papers for the congress, and a success that can be shared by all of us.
Our best regards
Rémy Tourment, Chairman, and Marcel Bottema, Secretary
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