new geotechnical software

Rijkswaterstaat has launched new geotechnical software for slope stability on November 28th

This was developed together with Deltares and our dike reinforcement program HWBP (The Slope Stability Project / POV Macrostabiliteit).

Raymond van der Meij from Deltares was the main driving force behind the development. Meindert Van was one of the initiators.

We have merged the knowledge from five different initiatives in the Netherlands on slope stability in the new software.


It will be available on the Deltares and on the Rijkswaterstaat website (

It will be in the English language. The software is available to everyone (free of charge). Support for users who assess or design flood defenses in the Netherlands is covered by Rijkswaterstaat. Support for user in other countries will go through Deltares (this is not free of charge).


The user manual is available on


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