Webinar on Animal Burrowing (30/6/21) – Final program

The webinar on Animal Burrowing will take place on June 30.

11:00 CET          Welcome
11:05                  1. English perspective on managing badgers in embankments (Paul Arnold, EA)
11:20                  2. Detection of cavities in levees and forelands caused by beavers (Torsten Heyer, TU Dresden; Michael Arndt, Secon Systems)
11:40                  3. Experiences with the beaver during high water 2021 (Wijnand Evers, Waterboard Drents Overijsselse Delta)
11:55                  4. A glimpse of another animal active in and around levees (Heleen Keirsebelik, UAntwerpen)
12:00                  Exchanging thoughts and experiences on animal activity on levees
12:25                  Feedback on webinar and poll for future topics

Please send an email to patrik.peeters@mow.vlaanderen.be to receive a MS Teams-invitation!
Adrian, Patrik & Rémy

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