Thoughts on ICOLD Congress, Vienna


photo by Ilze Plomp – van der Sar

This was my first ICOLD meeting and was the first formal ICOLD Technical Committee on Levees (TC LE) after it had been setup at the meeting in Prague. Here are a few of my thoughts.

Not only was this the first formal meeting of the LE TC the Congress was also important because Q103 for the congress was on the subject of small dams and levees. Rémy Tourment from France was the general reporter for this question who is also the chairman of the ICOLD TC LE. An interesting range of Reports were presented in four sessions with worthwhile discussion at the end of each session.

ICOLD TC LE also held a workshop on Monday 2 July. Other than providing an opportunity for presentations from new member countries, a significant amount of time was spent in gathering ideas for the dams and levees intercomparison report, using a facilitated brainstorming process. By the end we had a wall of Post It notes with very useful material. One point for the future is to use stickier notes as several did not stay on the wall. This material will be used by a small team from the Committee to further develop the report.

Adrian Rushworth (with thanks to Jonathan Simm for material)


1 comment

  1. More detailed information on Vienna congress outcomes soon in the members section.
    The new Terms of Reference of our WG, which were approved at this occasion, are now in the “about the Working Group” section.

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