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  1. Webinar on International Levee Databases — 1 comment

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Webinar on International Levee Databases

Last week TU Delft hosted a webinar on their International Levee Performance Database, as well as similar initiatives from France and the USA. The webinar also discussed the applications of such databases and the necessity for closer collaboration in developing them. Over 150 participants joined online from around the world, representing private consultancies, academic and …

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SafeLevee webinar on failure databases

Dear colleagues, Over the last 5 years the SAFElevee project team at TU Delft has investigated levee failures and has set up an open-access database (the international levee performance database – ILPD) with over 1500 levee failure and performance cases. You are warmly invited to attend a webinar on the SafeLevee project and ILPD database. …

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